Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Books Lists

One great way to find out what is new in the Libraries is to get on the email list of new books in your area. The lists are separated by broad catagories based on Library of Congress call numbers, (e.g. T= Engineering QA=Math and Computer Science).

To sign up: Visit the new books page for your subject and scroll to the bottom. Enter your email address in the box and click on the button "email me __'s."

The Latest T's for 7/25/06

The Latest QA's for 7/25/06

Monday, July 17, 2006

Powersearching Google

On Thursday, I will be teaching a class on getting the most out of Google. It is unfortunatly full, or I would invite each and every one of you. However, I have made the slides available on the Libraries' Web site.

One of the topics I am covering in the workshop is Google Books, and the method for linking directly to Scotty from Google Books when using the Firefox browser. It is quite cool.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Panorama in Process

I am working on a panorama tour to go with the existing Virtual Tour of the Science Library. I haven't quite managed to get the stitching and lighting just right, but it will improve more as I learn more.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

O'Reilly Books

I am not sure if any of you out there in Engineeringland are unaware of our extreme fortune, but I want you all to know that we have the great good luck to have a subscription to all of the O'Reilly Technical Books written in the last few years - online. If you are on campus, simply go to http://library.ucr.edu/go/oreilly. If you are off campus, you will want to use the proxy. There are more than 300 books available from Ajax to Zope.