Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dissertations and Theses

Have you ever needed a dissertation or thesis for your research and weren't sure where to get it. You may be lucky enough to find a copy on the author's Web site or institutional repository by searching Google, If not here are some suggestions:

UCR Theses and dissertations:

Search Scotty, the UCR Catalog to find UCR dissertations.
Look for dissertations by the author or title, or browse by UCR department. To directly access dissertations by a specific department, you can simply do a subject search:


Chemical and Environmental Engineering Dissertations
Computer Science Dissertations
Electrical Engineering Dissertations

A circulating copy is shelved either in the Science or Rivera Library, depending on the subject matter. Dissertations and theses can be found under different call number locations in the Rivera Library (according to topic) whereas in the Science Library, they are shelved under the call number, Q180 A494 (M.S. & M.A. degrees) and Q180 A495 (Ph.D. degree) Browse by year and then by the author's last name.

Other Dissertations:

UC dissertations (Including UCR dissertations) can be found in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database. UC Dissertations are online free and full-text from 1998. Other dissertations can be ordered from Interlibrary Loans

Monday, September 24, 2007


Welcome to the SPIE Digital Library!! The UCR Libraries have shelled out big money so that we can access SPIE!

The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 230,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1990 to the present. More than 17,000 new research papers are added annually.

I have regularly gotten emails form you all with subjects like "Why don't we have SPIE?" And the new answer will be. But wait, we do! :)

Included in the SPIE digital Library are:
The Proceedings of SPIE: Starting at Vol 1200 (1990)*
Optical Engineering: Starting at Vol 29 (1990)
Journal of Electronic Imaging: Starting at Vol 1 (1992)
Journal of Biomedical Optics: Starting at Vol 1 (1996)
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS: Starting at Vol 1 (2002)
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing: Starting at Vol 1 (2007)
Journal of Nanophotonics: Starting at Vol 1 (2007)

You all have access either on campus or through our remote access services.

I just cant stop grinning about this.