Monday, May 08, 2017

Reference Management Software - How to keep all of those papers straight

If you have a lot of papers to keep track of, and/or find the process of creating bibliographies excessiveley detailed and time-consuming, you should invest in learning how to use a reference manager.

In the library, we have experience with and have created guides for

EndNote Web

Look on our Reference Management Libguide for more information

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Creat'R Lab is Open!

The Creat'R Labe opened in the Orbach Science Library on April 18th.  The lab has access to walk-in 3D printing, Arduinos, RaspBerry Pi machines and docks, a sewing machine and other sewing supplies and some cool equipment for working with Paper.  The lab is open 1-4, 4 days per week and classes are offered nearly every night.  For more information, see the Guide.

Come check it out!